Thank you.
Fee Schedule
- Initial history, structural evaluation and treatment (up to 30 minutes)* $400.00
- Follow-up consultations (up to 30 minutes)* $275.00
- Homeopathic consultation/review (up to 30 minutes) $275.00
*For additional time beyond thirty minutes, please minute segment or fraction of fifteen minutes.
Missed Appointments
Your appointment is time set aside for you to see the Doctor. If you do not keep your appointment, that time is lost to another patient. A follow-up consultation fee will be added to your account. If you have an emergency or cancel that appointment within 24 hours, no charge will be made.
At the end of each visit, you will receive a standard insurance receipt. You may use this receipt to file for reimbursement from your insurance company. If you need a special form prepared, the fee is $25-$50 depending on how long it takes to complete that form. Any services performed on your behalf for any 3rd party remain your responsibility until the 3rd party pays.
Unless previously arranged, would you please take care of your bill at the end of each visit? We accept cash or check.
Positive Account Balances and Returned Bank Items
On all accounts not paid in full, we add a late charge of 1.5% of the unpaid balance or $5.00 (whichever is greater) each month. If the account goes to collection, we will add an amount to include collection charges so we receive the account balance due.
If your check is returned from the bank, we will add a $35 “returned check” fee to your account.
You agree to pay for any work done for attorneys, insurance companies, or any other 3rd parties that do not pay.
This policy is subject to change without notice. Please visit the website for the latest policy.
Thank you for taking the time to review the office policy and fee schedule. If you have any questions about this policy, would you please ask them now?
Wishing you a speedy recovery, I am,

Stephen Davidson, D.O., DO(H), C-SPOMM